Indonesian Cuisine

Indonesian food is perhaps one of the most diverse cuisines in the world mainly due to the 6,000 populated islands within the country. Most dishes in Indonesian food are flavoured with the use of bumbu (spice mixtures) and a side of sambal (chilli paste), which reveals the signature savory, hot and spicy flavours that the Indonesian cuisine is known for. Although the use of unorthodox sauces such as kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) are also a prominent ingredient in a lot of dishes

Sambal (Chilli paste)

Some of the most famous Indonesian foods include:
  • Rendang: A spicy meat dish made using coconut milk and various spices
  • Petai Teri: A spicy mix of spices, small fish and bitter beans
  • Nasi Goreng: Indonesian fried rice stir fried with other ingredients, usually egg, chicken and prawns
  • Satay: Grilled skewered meats
  • Cendol: A sweet drink consisting of coconut milk, palm sugar, shaved ice and jelly
Nasi Goreng & Satay

A big part of the Indonesian culture and its food are the foodstalls. It is common for many dishes in Indonesia to be eaten with your bare hands which is even more prominent within traditional markets and foodstalls. Although the cheap and dirty appearance of these places may put many off, some of the best ingredients and food can be found in many underground areas. So if you're ever visiting Indonesia it pays to bring a local!


Author: Daniel Theodorus


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